Mobec Hotels


The Barcelona Hotel Association and the city of the Catalan capital presented today Mobec Hotels: a network of electric bikes in different hotels of Barcelona for tourists visiting the city. The project will be operated by Going Green Vectrix official importer in Spain, and promoted by Mobecpoint, a company dedicated to the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles. In the pilot test involving a total of 5 hotels (Diagonal Zero, Santos Porta Fira, Barcelona I, King Juan Carlos I and W Barcelona) that manage a total of 30 electric bikes.
Mobec Hotels, a network of electric scooters to tourists in Barcelona

Reason to Be Selected

A pioneer of the Project leaders in the world say, besides facilitating the mobility of tourists sustainably, it will significantly reduce emissions of polluting gases initiative. And according to Eduard Freixedes, Councillor for Mobility of the City, "With 30 electric bikes circulating for a year to an average of 30 km per day, we would save up to 37 tons of CO2". Freixedes has announced plans to expand the project to the entire city, in fact there are 10 hotels that are interested in it and decide to join the project.


According to Pep Bartrés responses for Mobecpoint, one of the main objectives of this project is "That the electric bike is a reality, which is not seen as something of the future but of the present, and Barcelona thus becomes the world capital of electric car ". Barcelona adds up initiatives to sustainable mobility. Freixedes see all these "Very consistent with the Live Project (Logistics for the Implementation of the Electric Vehicle)" proposals. The council has said that, so far, there is not a similar project for the use like Barcelona, which would be a electric motorcycle, but it has not ruled out for the future.
Regarding the safety of electric motorcycles Freixedes has said, it can not be compared with the claims of conventional ones, because "Speed is limited and the user profile of the power does not seek for power or speed, but innovation and sustainability". Electric bikes provided by Going Green, called Premium and Economy respectively for this project. The reservation of the bike can be made via Internet or at the hotel itself, Also prices is between 25€ and 40 € depending on the types of bikes and its usage time (half day or full day). The bikes will be monitored by a central control station, like your location and your battery level.


Lat: 41.3948
Lng: 2.14877
Region: Europe
Scale: District
Field: Infrastructure
City: Barcelona