Shi Jiaqi   Apr 28.2016


Theme: solar, urban development POLIS – identification and mobilization of solar potentials via local strategies aims at the implementation of strategic urban planning and local policy measures to activate the solar ability of urban structures in European cities. Within POLIS project current developments like diverse new technologies and legislative opportunities have been evaluated and key stakeholders were brought together to improve the planning process and legislation practices towards solar development. POLIS therefore acts on the local level in its attempt to boost solar energy in different European cities (Paris, Lisbon, Munich, Vitoria, Lyon and Malmo). Solar energy has special needs in terms of legislation and municipal agreements. Thereby the project seeks to increase the use of solar energies in European cities, stimulating the cities involved in the project to act as top runners. With this reason Solar Action Plans have been prepared together with the local authorities of the partner cities and methods and instruments for solar urban planning have been identified and implemented in terms of Pilot Actions. The results are disseminated via the web page, workshops and conferences to showcase the diverse approaches.

Reason to Be Selected

Six cities (Lyon, Malmö, Paris, Munich, Vitoria, Lisbon) decided to integrate solar energies in their urban planning. With the preparation of Solar Action Plans in each POLIS city long-term strategies for a solar development in the respective cities have been established.

19 Pilot Actions have been identified to implement advanced planning and policy making processes integrating solar aspects in cities. All activities refer to the following instruments: Actions to identify solar potentials, Activities to mobilize potentials, Realization of town planning measures, Development of policy/legislative measures.


Based on experience gathered during the pilot actions in the cities of Lisbon, Lyon, Malmö, Munich, Paris and Victoria-Gasteiz, guidelines were developed to support urban planning procedures with the aim of boosting solar energy in the respective cities. The ten guidelines (covering the entire process from data collection to policy development and legislation) as well as solar urban planning tools and practices and participation of citizens will help replicate these successful experiences in other cities, benefitting from the lessons learned in practice.


Establish a more comprehensive approach of interdisciplinary planning within local authorities.

Increased use of solar thermal systems and photovoltaics as well as an adopted urban structure to the needs of solar energy.

Lessons learned

Internal municipal processes require flexibility to adjust to political restrictions and variations. However, changing political backgrounds can also provide unforeseen opportunities.

A comprehensive awareness for a sustainable and solar development is expressed by all stakeholders of the planning process. The establishment of adapted instruments and processes is considered as relevant but not without barriers.
The use of solar energy should be integrated in the strategic planning/energy concept of all cities. Aspects like consideration of monuments, the structure of new development areas or alternative energy supply systems should be integrated in this assessment process to find the best solution. For further details please refer to the project website: http://www.polis-solar.eu/


Lat: 38.7436
Lng: -9.1602
Region: Europe
Scale: City
Field: Environment
City: Toulouse