Neighbourly Living in Geuzenveld
Zhao Shuang   Apr 27.2016


More than five hundred homes were provided with smart meters and some of them with an additional energy feedback display that should enable the residents to become more aware of their energy use. Also part of this project was the participation program Sustainable Neighborhood that residents can take part in.

Reason to Be Selected

People are hardly aware of their energy use. This is often due to the fact that it is not visible in their homes. No attention is paid to devices that consume a lot of energy often causing these devices to be on stand-by unnecessarily. In the project Geuzenveld Sustainable Neighborhood smart technologies were tested that ought to change this tendency. More than five hundred houses dating from the fifties were provided with smart meters and some of them with an additional energy feedback display. Residents also got the chance to learn more about energy efficiency during information sessions and a nice day out with the neighborhood.


The following initiatives were enrolled in the Project Geuzenveld Sustainable Neighborhood:- Smart meters that measure the energy consumption and that can be connected to devices that help residents save energy- Some of the houses were provided with an additional energy display that gives feedback on the energy consumption and personal suggestions for saving energy based on the information provided by the smart meter.
During information sessions or a nice day out with the neighborhood residents could learn more about saving energy. Prizes could be won by sharing useful ideas to save energy with the neighborhood.


Lat: 52.3746
Lng: 4.89861
Region: Europe
Scale: District
Field: Governance
City: Amsterdam