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Green Cities, Green Building, Learn from Germany

Building Green Cities as a Multidimensional Challenge 01

Course introduction
Introduction to the definition, development history, research background and research direction of green city.
About instructor


Bernhard Müller is the Director of the Dresden-based Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urbanand Regional Development (IOER) and Professor for Spatial Development at theTechnische Universität Dresden. He is also initiator and head of the ManagingBoard of the internationally oriented Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS)which deals with issüs of sustainable urban and regional development. Bernhard Müller has a doctoral degree in Geography from the Universityof Mainz, and completed his habilitation in urban and regional planning anddevelopment at the University of Hanover. He received an honorary doctoraldegree from the Slovak University of Technology. His professional interests are in sustainable development as well as urban and regional resilience.

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