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Shanghai, Urban Spatial Strategy, Urban Planning, Case Study

Shanghai 2040 urban space strategy research 03

Course introduction
Reflections on several strategic issues concerning the construction of Shanghai as a global city
1.The path of the global city of Shanghai
2.Human resource structure is the bottleneck of Shanghai's development
3.The Yangtze river delta is the foundation of Shanghai's development
Shanghai global city goals and spatial strategy analysis framework
1.Economic dimension, more resource allocation ability and radiation ability;
2.Humanistic dimension: more cultural characteristics, charm, affinity;
3.Environmental dimension, more sustainable development ability and high-density ecological urban environment.
About instructor

Zhang Shangwu

Zhang Shangwu: Professor and doctoral supervisor of Tongji university.Vice President of school of architecture and urban planning, Tongji university and vice President of Shanghai Tongji urban planning and design research institute.Main research direction: urban and regional development research, urban space development strategy, urban space design.

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