Robinson   Jul 25.2019
West 8 has won Part B (Housing and Neighborhood Center) of the urban and landscape planning competition for the first phase of Freiham North.Its design promises a pleasing vibrancy and diversity of the plots.


Freiham North will be the last substantial urban development to take place in Munich. Located on the western outskirts of the city, this attractive new district designed by West 8 for the City of Munich (Landeshauptstadt München) will accommodate around 20,000 people by the year 2040.

Reason to Be Selected

West 8’s winning entry is about a friendly green neighbourhood. The design allows the creation of a city for all generations intending to mix ages and achieve a diverse melange of inhabitants.


Urban green spaces network
Semi-public urban space
New public space embedded in urban fabric


West 8 has found the identity in a robust hierarchic structure of urban green spaces as alleys, boulevards, parks and squares which brings nature closer to urban life. Within this green network we identify one central square and two secondary neighbourhood squares with  churches. The network creates a framework for diverse mixed-use urbanity which is both, dense and green. The neighbourhood consists out of housing for families, couples, singles, seniors and students; it also includes shops, schools and buildings for cultural, religious and social activities.
Varying compact isolated objects are loosely added in a green topography in order to reach transparent and lively city blocks. Internal spaces within the building blocks are designed as semi public urban spaces with specific housing related functions as allotment gardens, daycare playgrounds and neighbourhood meeting points.
Simple design guidelines for building development, based on wood structures, have to guarantee that the project keeps a specific unique Bavarian identity.
Furthermore the semi-public urban spaces with residential building blocks complement the public space offering, designed to accommodate specific housing related functions such as community gardens, daycare playgrounds and neighbourhood meeting points. This broad spectrum of public to private green spaces offer a wide range of program for future residents and visitors alike.
Freiham is designed first and foremost as a new residential area in the western part of Munich. Accordingly, a wide range of housing; with large apartments for families with several children, shared apartments, small homes and studio apartments will be developed. The differentiation in accommodation takes into consideration the various needs and lifestyles of different people and provides safe and barrier-free access for all.


West 8’s winning entry creates an ecological urban development that reconciles the contemporary demands of the city. The master plan is composed of a number of neighbourhoods, each with their own distinctive atmosphere that are all seamlessly integrated into the surrounding urban and natural structures.


Lat: 48
Lng: 11
Region: Europe
Scale: Region
Field: Compositive
City: Munich