Electronic auction
Xu Yedan   Apr 27.2016


The electronic auction is aniterative process, of selection of offers in what can be appealed for the final award of any procedure of public recruitment. It takes place after a first complete evaluation of the offers of the bidders, and it allows these the presentation of improvements in the prices, or in other elements of the offers, which improve them on the whole. An electronic device that allows the classification of the successive offers through automatic methods of evaluation is based on by the electronic auction.In year 2004 the Town Council of Barcelona was the first public administration of the Spanish state on making an electronic auction.

Reason to Be Selected

Through the application of the electronic administration in the process of public recruitment, the electronic auction allows to spare time and money, as well as the to simplify of the process of recruitment for the suppliers who participate in it. Moreover, given that the anonymous offers of each of the suppliers are visible for the rest of participants in the auction, the transparency of the process is assured.


The Town Council of Barcelona has carried out numerous electronic auctions of supplies, through the platform PECAP of Localret, as well as through the service eLicita of the Platform of Public Recruitment of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In both cases the requirements for the participant suppliers are very simple: only they require to have an electronic certificate and connection in internet.The final goal is to spare, to buy cheaper.
Did you know that...?
The electronic auction allows to make minor and determinate contracts formalities of contracts of supply, works and services.


Lat: 41.3948
Lng: 2.14877
Region: Europe
Scale: City
Field: Civilian
City: Barcelona