From the Iron of the Valley to the Iron Valley, Legazpi Spain
Wang Yueqi   May 04.2016


Year: 1998


Country: Spain

UrolaGaraia is a

region located in the hearth of Gipuzkoa, composed of the towns ofLegazpi, Zumarraga, Urretxu and Ezkio-Its aso. As the financial recourses basically came from the industry (siderurgy) the crisis in the branch, occurred toward the end of the 80´s affected dramatically the population.

Reason to Be Selected

Arising from this situation a group integrated by the local administrations,the private sector and particulars brought to life
the LENBUR project focused on searching new ways for revitalising the region.

The fairs dominating in the 90´s decreased when a combined movement of different agents was capable of overcome the trend to depressive situation. As consequence of the project the following results appears as evident:

1. Economical diversification.

2. Recuperation of degraded areas and control of uncontrolled deposits.

3. Issuing an Strategic Policy for regional developing including territorial arrangement policies.

4. Restoration of city buildings and its integration in the tourist project.

5. Inclusion of the training as a driver for development.

From the acknowledgment acquired through this experience we can distinguish as a very important point the need to create an organism for boosting, managing and performing the project step by step.

Results Achieved:The depopulation

process observed in the number of both inhabitants, young and adult, has come stop, as a signal that the given changes have augmented when a combined movement of different agents has been capable of overcome the trend to depressive situation.

Although difficult to evaluate we would say that the self-valuation effect has been one of the best results. Finally we all have confidence in our possibilities and in the possibilities of the land where we live as well. The scope of the project is to the amount extended, that the implication of public agents as well as private agents are necessary to guarantee the success. the cost of the investment amounts 5 million of $. This could have not been possible without the active participation of all participants.

Real diversification of the resources as the economic aspects has been effectively boosted. An initiative binding and integrating project under a defined direction, known for all agents, each one performing the established actions.


1. Massive participation of the population in the project search and design.

2. Issuing a policy for local development on tourist basis, recuperating the cultural, industrial and historic heritage integrated in the environment.

3. Acceptance of the local authorities of the quality criteria to be applied to the territorial arrangement.

4. Acceptance of a co-responsibility in the strategic challenge by all the stages of the population (public and private).

5. Start up the LENBUR Foundation which manages the project.


Lat: 43.1455
Lng: -2.16601
Region: Europe
Scale: City
Field: Governance
City: Legazpi